This post was motivated by readers from my last post
who were looking for deeper reasons why they are struggling with their job
search. While many where appreciative of the simple reminders, the savvy job
seekers were like, “Tell me something I don't know.” Perhaps your resume as
been reviewed and revised many times over; you've gotten interviews, but have yet to be selected;
attended career fairs, but came up empty. Well here’s
something you can chew on.
You've been stigmatized
by long-term unemployment. According to the Department of Labor, job seekers who
have been unemployed for 27 weeks or more are considered to be long-term
unemployed. However, the concerns with gaps in one’s employment history happen
before that. This is a serious national issue, but while Congress tries to figure
out how to remedy it, millions are without work. The quickest way to move from
unemployment is through self-employment. Consider hiring yourself; consult,
sell, serve, direct, rebuild, or create something new. This may be the perfect
time to explore business opportunities. And yes, please add it to your resume!
Any work experience counts.

You lack a quality
network or haven’t used it effectively. I find that people who are well
connected and who cultivate their network stay employed or bounce back from
unemployment quickly. Who do you know in your industry of interest? When’s that
last time you made a new friend? It might be time for you to reconnect with
others or reach out to communities in your area or virtually online. Perhaps
you may need to consider relocation and reaching out to those in areas with
You share too much
information with employers. What are you saying during the interview or
including on your resume or cover letter that may be a red flag for employers? They
don’t need to know whether you’re married or have children, don’t have a car (unless
it required to perform the job), that you have many doctor’s visits, what you hated
about your last job, specifically why you left a position, and what happened
that one time at band camp. I've personally seen resumes and cover letters that
divulged information that made the job seeker look like too much trouble to
deal with. Do not act as your own barrier to employment; focus on sharing
information regarding your skills, knowledge, and experience that may benefit
the employer.
You've lost your
confidence and it shows. The lack of employment can bruise your ego. I know
what it feels like personally, but you have to remember that your talent hasn't
been taken away from you and you still have something valuable to offer to the
world. Of course you don’t want to appear arrogant, but most certainly appear
to be sure of yourself and not at the mercy of the employer. Remember,
employers are seeking to hire the best candidates. Walk into an interview
believing, “if you don’t hire me, someone else will.”
Whatever your struggle may be, reach out for help, remain
persistent, and maintain a positive attitude. Remember you are talented and valuable
with or without a job title.
Moving You Forward,
Cathy Francois, MBA
Career Coach
Founder of Rezume Forward
P.S. I provide professional and personalized career consulting. Available services include strategic career planning, résumé writing, interview preparation, LinkedIn profile optimization, and more. Click >>Email me to schedule a consultation.